Hi, I'm Arash and I've been getting my hands dirty with clay since 2018.
During this relatively short time, I have been extremely fortunate to learn from instructors and renown local artists such as Ryan Rakhshan.
The majority of my work focuses on functionality above all, with textures and imperfections in the clay or glaze being used to highlight the uniqueness of each piece. I take inspiration from the environment around me and hope my work reflects the natural beauty in the clay and alchemy that can occur in the >1200°C temperatures of the kiln. My hope is that each piece becomes bonded to its owner as it reflects the imperfect beauties in ourselves.
Commission work is available by request.
Did you hear about me or see my table at The Art League's Annual Holiday Ceramic Sale? Send an email to stay in touch for updates and new additions to my collection!
TAL Annual Holiday Ceramic Sale 2023 - 305 Madison Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Friday, December 8th - 5:00pm to 8:00pm
Saturday, December 9th - 10:00am to 5:00pm
Sunday, December 10th - 12:00pm to 5:00pm
TAL Annual Holiday Ceramic Sale 2022 - 305 Madison Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Friday, December 2nd - 2:00pm to 6:00pm
Saturday, December 3rd - 11:00am to 6:00pm